Recent developments in the globalisation of the dairy industry have created an opportunity to take advantage of regional price differentials, the effects of weather, changing support programmes and trade regulations.

The Marex Solutions Dairy Team offers its customers unparalleled access to a complete spectrum of hedging solutions via exchange trade futures and OTC contracts. For Dairy products where no exchange traded contract exists, we design and create tailored risk management solutions for producers, traders, and consumers. Our AGILE platform provides real-time pricing, portfolio analysis, scenario planning and direct communication with the trading team.
Dairy markets can be volatile, exaggerated by reductions in governmental support programmes and trade restrictions. Dairy prices are exposed to unpredictable drivers, such as weather, which can have a significant effect on market prices. Recent developments in the globalisation of the dairy industry have also created an opportunity for our clients to take advantage of regional price differentials. We work with our dairy clients in managing their exposure to that volatility as well as taking advantage of the new opportunities that this global marketplace presents.